Chotika Lurponglukana

Chotika Lurponglukana
Senior Associate

Practice Areas :

  • Competition and Antitrust
  • Corporate Commercial
  • Employment and Benefit
  • Foreign Direct Investment
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Data Protection and Privacy
  • Tax

    Chotika is an experienced corporate and labour & employment lawyer, and has extensive experience of advising local and international clients on business incorporation, foreign direct investment, regulatory compliance and restrictions and privileges applying to foreigners and foreign investments, including foreign business license and privileges under Thailand’s Board of Investment and Industrial Estate Authority in Thailand. She has also advised on a number of recent major mergers and acquisitions transactions.

Education and Qualifications
    Chotika received her LL.M. and LL.B. (1st Class Honours) degrees from Thammasat University, Thailand. She holds Thai Lawyer License and Notarial Services Attorney Certificate, Lawyers Council of Thailand. She is also member of Barrister at Law, Institute of Legal Education Thai Bar Association.
Recently, she has successfully completed Data Protection Officer Certification Training Course. Therefore, she receives the certificates in Certified Data Protection Officer (CDPO) from ACIS Professional Center in 2020

Non-Practice Engagements
    Chotika contributed as the author the Thailand section in “Corporate Immigration 2018 and 2019 - Getting the Deal Through” and Thailand section in “Vertical Agreement 2019” – Getting the Deal Through. She also wrote section Country Feature on Thailand: Why Thailand still has not Issued Sukuk - IFN Volume 16 Issue 25 dated the 26th June 2019.

Thai - Native
English - Fluent

09 October 2020

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